The very reason i started this whole blog was to inspire. While the very
root of what i believe comes from life of Jesus and who i am is today is
because of who he was even to the point of death. Whether you believe it or not
i have one hope and thats to see this world transformed. You see there is a
large group of people out there who want nothing, but the same thing to happen.
I know so many people who are out there looking to inspire. So today I hope to
share a little bit about what i feel about these people and what they are doing
for you. These guys are all very different, but have inspired me in different
The first is two gentlemen, which I have had the
privilege of becoming not just friends, but brothers too as well. What started
as a simple idea to create a clothing brand has turned into a movement to
inspire not theirs, but YOUR DREAMS. You see Tony and Tommy do not come from
the same background as i do, nor do their Dreams look like mine. Yet they
produce this unthinkable desire to Inspire the world to DREAM as big as you
possibly can and chase after those DREAMS. The Character these guys produce,
will in fact change the world. I would like to introduce you to
The next person I would like to introduce you to is
a young man i had the honor of being In a Associate Student Body class with.
His name is Diego Rios. This guy is doing something I see as amazing, that not
many would step out and pursue. I never really have had the chance to talk to
him about what he's is doing, but just by getting a glimpse of his Facebook you
see the heart this man has. He is a Youth Speaker looking to reach out and
inspire the generation now TOUCH.MOVE.INSPIRE. He explains his desires,
"My goal is to spread a ripple effect of Inspiration & encourage all
to follow their goals". Here is Diego Rios.
The Next man I would like
to introduce you is a guy I have seen grow so much in the last couple Years.
He's a man who pursues a Dream to reach people with his music. His Name is
David Stahlnecker. David writes song that literally captures Love, beauty and
creativity all in one. But if Music wasn't enough he spends each day looking to
bless and encourage people. He desires nothing, but for the world to Know about
Jesus. And Now David has the oppurtunity to go to Ethiopia and tell people
about Jesus. Here is my good Friend David.
these are ordinary people doing
not so ordinary things. All though they come from different background
not so ordinary things. All though they come from different background
they Pursue something very similar and thats a DREAM.
a DREAM to see a
world transformed By YOU. These right here are some of the most
men i have ever met. Its interesting to me to see how these guys are
every day and making their dreams a reality. I would encourage you to
connect with these guys and check out their Facebooks and Encourage them
keep going after these things.
Now the last man i want to introduce you to Is
JESUS. You see he had a
DREAM too. It was to inspire a world to live a life of
Love. Whether you are
a believer or not, we all produce a characteristic that
Jesus himself has. Just
like him my hope is to inspire a world to Love and to
find freedom. I believe
that Jesus brings those things and its up to you to
Chase after that. He's so
fun to partner with and has us run after our Dreams.
I call these men THE DREAM CHASERS
A Man Chasing His Dreams
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